New Life
Our friend “P” was going through heartbreak after a returning from a trip to India where his girlfriend’s parents refused their marriage due to a difference in their castes (even though P and his girlfriend are both Hindu). We have been loving on him and spending much time with him. We invited P to church and weren’t sure how he felt after. We noticed during the sermon that he was Google searching words like gospel, mission, etc. as he listened in church that morning. Later, Madhu and I wondered if we’d invited him to church too soon.
A week later, P called and said he was all-set to attend church again and explained that he felt peace like never before during the worship music. He said even though he did not understand much, he felt peace come over him that he could not explain. P has been attending church on and off ever since and has been asking questions about life after death, life before death, eternity, and incarnations.
Please pray that P will surrender his life to the Prince of Peace, Jesu.