Go Tell It
“I don’t know how many will make it on Christmas Eve,” said Madhu as 5 of our 10 Hindu friends “called-in” sick. I was grateful for the smaller crowd as Madhu was working that morning and I frantically cleaned, cooked, and got the kids ready in time for Christmas Eve service at church (the kick-off to our little get together). When we got to church, I was exhausted as my mind raced through the details of getting everything and everyone together. I was grateful for the time to just sit and breathe during the service. But my stress returned as Madhu informed me that we were expecting some new friends, about 10 more than we planned for! I gave him an exhausted look and said, “I hope we have enough food!”
At all our get togethers, we plan an intentional time of sharing truth from Scripture but we just couldn’t get organized that night. The night felt like a failure as we did’nt get a chance to share about Jesus’ life with our friends until one of them asked me the significance of a wreath. The discussion led to all the other Christmas decorations in our home and how each represented Jesus coming to die and God’s gift of eternal life to this world of sinners. We talked about the colors: green representing eternal life, and red representing the blood that cleanses us from sin, and several other symbols in the decorations. It all came together beautifully and I was reminded that His thoughts and ways and WAY HIGHER than mine!!!
Please pray for this new group of friends that they may know the love of Christ and follow Him.
Praising God for His ways and praying that His will would continue to be done in your lives. I lift up your small group and thank God in advance for adding them to His Kingdom family.
In Jesus’ name,